Building a Fence
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Building a Fence

Ryan’s been using his “office” days recently to build a new fence next to where we store our fuel drums and park our aircraft. Safety First!!!

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Mama Nunta & Papa Markis
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Mama Nunta & Papa Markis

Meet Mama Nunta & Papa Markis. Shiv and the Ladies’ Fellowship at our local Church visited them after Markis had been unwell for some time.

Papa Markis is one of the earliest converts to Christianity in the Telefomin area. He suffers from pain throughout his body as a result of a beating he received about 5 years ago because he was accused of witchcraft. Sorcery Accusation Related Violence (SARV) is a big problem still in PNG…

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Ray the old-man Puppy
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Ray the old-man Puppy

Ray turned 15 earlier this year, that’s very old in dog years! So we thought we’d share some piccies of our loyal friend, particularly as he looks so funny after he’s had a haircut.

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More Telefomin Rainbows!
Telefomin, Flying Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin, Flying Ryan & Shiv Cole

More Telefomin Rainbows!

Ok, so I (Shiv) do a lot of blog posts about rainbows, but they really are quite spectacular here in our home of Telefomin!

Sadly, our cameras will never fully capture for you, the beauty that our eyes can see. You will just have to come visit us and see for yourselves! Or click on this blog post for a peek…

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School Books for Telefomin High School
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

School Books for Telefomin High School

The High School has around 400 students, and a beautiful purpose-built library, but the shelves in the library are quite bare. These school books I helped to deliver will go a long way towards encouraging the students to read to improve their English.

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Training Ground Staff in Telefomin
Telefomin, Training Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin, Training Ryan & Shiv Cole

Training Ground Staff in Telefomin

Last week was super busy as we hosted 7 members of the Ground Operations Department (Shiv’s new/old department) who came to Telefomin to do some refresher training. Everyone had previously passed each course they were receiving a refresher in, but to squeeze 5 courses into just 1 week was quite a challenge for Nawi. Shiv even took an hour of their time to share a devotion and explain the latest PNG COVID prevention measures.

Everyone passed each of their courses, so the week was a great success, even if it was very busy!

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The First Neighbours Return!
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

The First Neighbours Return!

After 4 months of being the only pilot family, we were thrilled to welcome our Aussie neighbours back to Telefomin last week!

Some of our local friends came out to welcome them with flower necklaces.

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Telefomin’s Ambulance
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Telefomin’s Ambulance

Last month a helicopter lifted a new Ambulance into Telefomin. Previously, the closest thing that the Telefomin hospital had to an ambulance was a flat-bed truck. Although the vehicle, pictured, is not what you might imagine in the UK/Canada, for PNG this is a fit-for-purpose Ambulance, complete with stretcher, oxygen, 4-wheel drive capability, siren and flashing lights.

Ryan took these photos on the day he brought in a Medevac patient, the first time the ambulance was used for it’s true purpose.

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Rainbow over the Balus
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Rainbow over the Balus

Balus is tok pisin (Melanesian pidgin) for airplane. In Telefomin we are often spoiled with beautiful rainbows around our home and our “balus”. Here are a couple of photos Ryan took recently… (Click to see more)

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Happy Valentines Day!
PNG, Food, Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole PNG, Food, Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Happy Valentines Day!

St Valentine’s Day is not just a special day for us for the usual reasons. It was on 14th February 2017 that we met each other’s parents in person for the first time, and then, 2 days later, Ryan proposed with all 4 of them with us, so mid-February holds very special memories.

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New Floor Please?
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

New Floor Please?

We’ve had some of our maintenance team in Telefomin this past week doing some essential maintenance. Our Swiss neighbours have had plastic liners put in their 2 metal tanks, to stop the leeks due to rust, and the floor at the base has had some much needed repair work. In the photo, right, Eugene & Steven, our two Traffic Officers, are pointing out some of the big ruts in the cement floor which makes pushing trolleys loaded with cargo rather tricky.

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Christmas has come at last!
PNG, Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole PNG, Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Christmas has come at last!

Last week we received our first Christmas Card in the post! IN FEBRUARY! I guess the international post from North America is working, just rather slowly. The post mark was dated 30-Nov-2020, so only just over 2 months to get here. Thank you Brownfield Baptist Church for sending us a Christmas card. Sadly nothing has come through from the UK yet, even though we are expecting a few things that were posted in November…

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Helping our Neighbours
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Helping our Neighbours

There are a few small commercial airlines who fly into Telefomin regularly. One of them had a stone unfortunately damage their Twin Otter recently. As they know we are based here full-time, they contacted our boss to ask if we had any accommodation. The transit house, which Shiv looks after, played host to 2 pilots and 4 Engineers, the latter who stayed for the whole weekend to fix the aircraft. Thankfully they were successful and the Twin Otter flew out on Monday, much to their relief.

We are here to serve the remote communities, but it’s nice to be able to help our aviation neighbours too!

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Telefomin’s version of Uber…
Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole Telefomin Ryan & Shiv Cole

Telefomin’s version of Uber…

This is Andrew, he drives one of the handful of motorbikes which putter around Telefomin these days. When we first moved here 3 years ago, there weren’t any motorbikes at all! We joke that they are Telefomin’s version of Uber as we often see passengers on the back.

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Click on the picture, left, to watch a video of our friend, Nurse Rhema, one of the local health care workers who MAF supports and we fly out of Telefomin.