Thanks for visiting our website, what would you like to know about us?
We met in Papua New Guinea (PNG) in February 2016 and got married in the UK in July 2017. Since then, we’ve served together as Missionaries, working for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) in PNG. We live in Telefomin, a remote community in the mountains, near the PNG border with Indonesia. Our life here is not “normal” by western standards, but we love it.
Telefomin is our home, MAF is our life.
Pictured with us is, right, is our dog, Koda, a PNG-mixed breed dog. He joined our family in December 2022 as a 7-week old puppy who came from a SIL (Wycliffe) family in Eastern Highlands Province, PNG. He loves going for walks around the airstrip, barking at people who walk past our garden fence, and doing ‘zoomies’ under the house! He is a ray of sunshine to us and we absolutely love him. In the middle of 2024, we took him to Port Moresby, the nearest Vet to where we live. It took 2 flights to get there, the first with MAF, second on a commercial carrier. He needed a cryptorchid castration, which then had complications. Due to the help and support of wonderful MAF friends, Koda thankfully made a full recovery and is back to his full bounce!
If you’d like to know more about us or our ministry, read on down or click on the button below to go to our Contact Us page…
“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”
- Psalm 139 v 9-10 (The Bible)