A Pilots’ Start to the Day
It’s 5.45am on a flying day, before he even has breakfast Ryan has logged on to check the weather forecast for the day ahead. Koda is also trying to make the most of Ryan being at home wanting snuggles and to play. But Ryan only has a few minutes to spare whilst he gets ready to fly through some of the most challenging terrain in the world…
Unexpected weekend in Australia
We enjoyed some luxuries in Australia, like shopping at a supermarket and brunch! It was a great opportunity to get away.
The MAF Mareeba Engineers did a great job on P2-MAF!

Washing the Balus
There are 2 aircraft based at Telefomin, and with the majority of the Bush airstrips that we serve being grass, the planes often get muddy, which keeps the base staff busy washing them.

Vanimo Base Visit
Shiv did her first ever Base Visit to Vanimo, on the north coast of PNG, about an hour’s flight from Telefomin.

The Bible Box
Most of the time when Ryan is flying to bush strips, he carries with him his trusty Bible Box, which contains Tok Pisin (Melanesian Pidgin) Bibles, Audio Bibles, small Bible Dictionaries and even a few pairs of reading glasses.
Recently, our friends, Mandy & Mathias, were given some Bible Concordances which had been translated into Tok Pisin. They asked Ryan to distribute them to some bush pastors…

Shiv in the Newspaper
Towards the end of last year I was interviewed for a PNG Newspaper, The National. Click on the title to go to the article.

Maintenance Blessing
A couple of hard working men from our MAF Maintenance Department came to Tele for 2 weeks in October. They did lots of important jobs, like putting liners in our neighbour’s water tanks, putting a concrete cover over a septic tank, fixing rotten stairs, fixing roof leaks. There was a lot of priority work to be done as they were unable to come out earlier in the year due to COVID.
In amongst all the priorities, I asked them if they could please fix my path, from my back door to my outdoor laundry area, but only if they had time and enough cement left. (All the cement had to be flown in!) Thankfully, they found some time and I now have a smooth path which does not have weeds growing or puddles on it when it rains. It’s a minor thing, but it will make doing laundry just a little easier for me!
Thank you Graham & Wesley, and the Maintenance Team!

Pilots’ Meeting
Around the start of November each year we have our annual 3-day Pilots’ Meeting, when all the MAF PNG pilots get together to update some of their training knowledge and refresh themselves about safety before the busy Christmas flying begins...

Click on the picture, left, to watch a video of our friend, Nurse Rhema, one of the local health care workers who MAF supports and we fly out of Telefomin.