A Pilots’ Start to the Day

It’s 5.45am on a flying day. Before he even has breakfast Ryan is logging on to check the weather forecast for the day ahead.  Koda is also looking to make the most of Ryan being at home, wanting snuggles and to play tug or a junior version of fetch.  We get out of bed at about 5.15am to give Ryan time to get ready for work and start his flying preparations early.  We head out the door at 6.45am, often with Koda along for a walk, to make sure Ryan can open his plane and start his daily inspection at 7am.

Although the weather often does not allow our pilots to take off too early, due to fog rising out of the river valley, once Ryan has finished checking his plane is safe to fly, and the base staff have finished checking in his passengers, then usually the fog has burnt off in the heat of the dawn and he can give the ok for the passengers to climb on board at around 8am. 

Ryan doing pre flight paperwork

Ryan doing calculations on his pre-flight paperwork.

Ryan dailying his aircraft

Doing the daily inspection to make sure his plane is safe to fly.

One MAF plane taking off over the top of another.

And off he goes, flying to bring help, hope and healing to more remote communities in the Min Valley and throughout the mountains of Papua New Guinea…


September Cole Communique


Traditional PNG Craft