Ryan is flying P2-MAF to Australia on Tuesday!

Occasionally MAF PNG sends our planes to the MAF Maintenance facility in Mareeba, Queensland, Australia. This maintenance facility mainly supports other MAF programs in the Asia Pacific region, but sometimes they help PNG too. Flying internationally is not standard for the MAF PNG program. Some of the MAF programs in Africa do that for their passengers, but not us. PNG only does this for maintenance, so it’s referred to as a “Ferry Flight”. Ryan will be ferrying P2-MAF, the first Caravan which came to PNG, down for 3 weeks of maintenance and then he’ll return to Australia to pick it up again.

Please pray for good weather for Ryan when he does the Ferry Flights! He’ll travel Mt Hagen-Horn Island-Cairns-Mareeba this Tuesday 24 Jan. He’ll bring P2-MAF back Mareeba-Horn Island-Mt Hagen on Wed 15 Feb and Shiv will travel as a passenger with him, just for the experience! It’s Cyclone Season in this area so please pray for clear skies & tail winds. He’ll be taking off around 7am PNG/Sydney time each day which is 9pm UK time or 2pm Alberta time the day before!

Ryan with his plane P2-MAF

Returning home via Bak Airstrip


Dedicating Ankem’s New Church