We left Canada a week ago!


And what a busy week it’s been, traveling around the world!

We are now comfortably in quarantine where we will stay until midnight on 1st September. We’re still suffering from jet-lag, despite staying in hotels en-route, but Ryan has started studying for his flight tests and Shiv has started some of her work too.

Sadly we are unable to be with our dog, Ray, as we have to quarantine away from him, for his health. But he is still being very well looked after by our fabulous friends, Brandon & Sharlene!

Thank you all again so much for your amazing support and encouragement over the past couple of months! The kind words, prayers and financial gifts towards our expenses and our support have really re-confirmed to us that, despite the extended stay in Canada, PNG is where we are supposed to be! God wants us to serve him here for the foreseeable future…

(In the picture we are standing in the doorway of our quarantine accommodation, with the garden behind us. We are making very sure to observe all quarantine restrictions!)


Half way through Quarantine!


We have arrived in Papua New Guinea!