Peter & Grace make a Difference

Peter & Grace Make a Difference is a movie filmed in Arawa, Bougainville, by kids and youths from 'Voice in the Wilderness.' The film addresses 'Sorcery Accusation Related Violence' (SARV) and follows two kids, Peter & Grace, as they find out more about SARV issues in their village and community.

This movie is in Tok Pisin (Melanesian Pidgin) with English subtitles. It is suitable to watch as a family to learn more about the topic of sorcery and sanguma (witchcraft), its threats, and how to respond. Sorcery Accusation Related Violence is sadly still a significant problem in areas of PNG.

MAF PNG’s partner and our friend Anton Lutz was part of the production, in front of and behind the camera! Watch the movie below or on YouTube at this link -

A feature movie filmed in Arawa, Bougainville, by kids and youths from 'Voice in the Wilderness.' The film addresses 'Sorcery Accusation Related Violence' (S...


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