Mouldy Kitchen

We think our little cabin in the Telefomin mountains was built in the 1960s for SIL/Wycliffe Bible Translators. At some point, after those earlier missionaries had finished translating the Bible into the local language of Telifol, our home, and the house next door, were transferred into MAF’s care. We’ve had the privilege to live here for the past 6.5 years, ever since we returned to PNG after we got married.

Unfortunately, living in a home that might be 60 years old, means sometimes things need replacing. Before we moved in, the veranda was fixed and some painting done by the Maintenance department. Last year, they also replaced a few rotten floor boards on the veranda and installed a new cement stand for our cooking gas bottles amongst other things at other houses. We are very grateful that the Maintenance Team visits a couple of times a year and does the big repairs, but for the smaller or urgent things, Ryan gets stuck in…

Against the wall behind our kitchen sink was a pale pink piece of laminate surrounding the taps (you just about see its remains tot he left in the pictures below), held in place by a strip of wood. As we don’t have a dishwasher and I like to cook which generates a LOT of dishes, there had been a lot of water splashed over that piece of wood and it had gone a bit moldy. Ryan pulled it off, replaced the faded pink laminate with new white laminate and installed a new piece of wood, secured in place with silicone. It’s not perfect, but it’s a great improvement to our little kitchen and I (Shiv) and extremely grateful to have such a handy husband!


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