Sharing about our work in PNG

Ryan & Shiv at their PNG display table

Whilst we were in the UK and Canada over the past 5 months, we were able to share a little about what our work, serving the poor and isolated in Papua New Guinea, involves. We visited around 10 Churches and many of our wonderful supporters, but we never seem to manage to visit everyone. Sorry about that!

If you’d like to see and hear one of our presentations, our friends at Westlock Baptist Church, Alberta, very kindly filmed our presentation so we could share it with you. The whole video is about 40 mins, but feel free to fast forward through us talking to the more interesting videos. ;-)

We’ll be back in the UK & Canada in 2024, but that is likely to be a shorter visit, providing another global pandemic doesn’t disrupt our plans!? This means our time for visiting will be shorter, but if your Church or Small group would like to hear from us, please get in touch and we’ll see if we can squeeze you in.

Video filmed at Westlock Baptist Church, Alberta


September Cole Communiqué


We’re back in PNG!