Giant Sweet Potato


Our small, local market is just a 5 minute walk from our house, so I stop in most days, on my way home after walking Ryan to the airport. When I popped in the other day, I found this ENORMOUS sweet potato for sale, for a mere K5 (about GBP1.25 or CAD1.6). I asked the lady and her son who were selling it to pose for a picture because I have never seen one so big before!

Our market doesn’t have a large selection of fruit and vegetables, but it has plenty to keep us going in between deliveries from Hagen. Most days you can find sweet potato, bananas, ginger, spring onions, peanuts and kumu (greens in several different varieties). Also, there are usually ladies selling basic bread rolls or flour balls, a sort-of doughnut. Regularly, maybe a couple of times a month, depending on the season, you can also find round & Chinese cabbage, papaya, pumpkin, English potatoes, taro (a cross between a large potato and a parsnip) and pitpit (looks like a leek on the outside, but has white balls of flesh on the inside).

We are very grateful to our friends in Hagen who send us all the other veg we like to eat, especially tomatoes!!!


Chicken for Dinner?


The Newspaper Pilot