Farewell Canada…

We’ve been in Canada for the just over 3 months and we’ve driven over 15,000 km in that time! We’ve been so blessed and encouraged by the support we have received. So many people have joined our support team, agreeing to pray for us or give financially on a regular basis. Plus so many of you who have financially supported us for years have increased your gifts, that is amazing!

Thank you all so much for enabling us to return to PNG to continue our work bringing help and hope to some of the world’s poorest and most isolated people! We look forward to sharing more stories with you, through our blog, when we return to PNG, and hopefully seeing many of you when we are back in the UK and Canada in 2 years’ time.

Farewell Canada from Ryan And Shiv

This evening we start our long journey back home to PNG. We take off on our 1st flight out of Calgary just before 8pm tonight and are due to land in Port Moresby, the capital of PNG, late Sunday night, Alberta time. That will be Monday afternoon PNG time, so we will stay in Port Moresby overnight and get a MAF flight to Mt Hagen on Tuesday morning (PNG time).

Ryan has to do his pilots’ medical and flight checks, and we need to buy all our groceries, so we’ll be in Mt Hagen for about 2 weeks before we fly to our home in Telefomin around the middle of September. We can’t wait to get home!

We’d like to ask our praying friends to please follow us in prayer over the 3 days! Please pray that:

  1. All 7 of our suitcases would get on every flight with us.

  2. We would remain healthy throughout our whole journey.

  3. We’d get over our jet lag quickly once we get to PNG!


We’re back in PNG!


Shiv Donated Her Hair!