Farewell Alex


The Hagen Base recently said farewell to Mr Alex Lewa who, after many years serving as the Base Manager, has been asked to step into the new role of Community Liaison, where he will be able to use his influence amongst the general community in Mt Hagen to assist MAF in many ways.  The whole team wished him well as he moves from the Base to HQ. 

As we were in Mt Hagen for a week I (Shiv) was able to say thank you to Alex along with the rest of the team.  He was the man who welcomed me as his boss and encouraged me as I stepped into a challenging role, 8 years ago, when I was on my look-see visit before I moved to PNG.

Hagen Base Team Sep 2021 (5).JPG

Mushroom Mushroom!


COVID Protocols Reminder – PNG style!