Family Afternoon Out


On Saturday afternoon we borrowed a MAF vehicle (ours is waiting for a part) and drove up to Ronden Ridge, about half an hour outside of Mt Hagen. There are beautiful views of Hagen and it’s very peaceful up there. But our main reason for going was to visit the spot where we first said “I love you” about 4 years ago. 😍 The rock in the stream where we had a picnic is still there, pictured just over Ryan’s right shoulder! Happy memories!

Ray the dog seemed a little confused with his new backpack, but he’s an old man now, he can’t keep up with us on walks like he used to. The backpack means he can still come with us for a bit of fresh air and exercise!

Ryan found the empty shell of a Cicada attached to the underside of a leaf.

Ryan found the empty shell of a Cicada attached to the underside of a leaf.


Back at Church in Mt Hagen


Brief Update for RBC