2021 Marks 70 Years of MAF in PNG!

“Helpim bilong PNG pipol” is Tok Pisin (Melanesian Pidgin) for “Helping the people of PNG”

Helpim bilong PNG pipol” is Tok Pisin (Melanesian Pidgin) for “Helping the people of PNG

The first flight of an MAF aircraft happened in May 1951, 70 years ago next month! We had planned many celebrations to mark such a milestone, but sadly COVID has gotten in the way. But we will still be doing some celebrations via social media and news outlets in PNG, to remind this country, which we are privileged to serve, just how long we have been here for.

PNGBUZZ.com is one of the first PNG news outlets to announce our 70th Anniversary and to display a special Anniversary logo which should be appearing on our aircraft in time for the official Anniversary next month. Check out MAF PNG’s Facebook page for more stories and celebrations surrounding our 70th Anniversary!

One of our fleet of 9 C208 Caravans which we use to help the people of PNG!

One of our fleet of 9 C208 Caravans which we use to help the people of PNG!


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